Friday, 17 November 2017

NEW link NEW life NEW header

Hi semua!

Image result for new life

Sorry for longgggg lost hihi.
I just want to focus on my study, STPM. And yeah, final tak habis lagi, just one more paper gaisssssss PRAY FOR ME!

This is short entry.
I changed my link due to my friend got to know my blog then he laughed to my link --' hm so, here the new link!

Header kena tukar la gais! Siapa nak volunteer tolong editkan pls :( Nanti saya tolong promote your blog hehehehhee pls pls

 NEW lyfe after this. Because my stpm lyfe is so suck. Just bcs of my fakeeeee friends. Urgh i cant wait to not meet them again. I will story to you guys after this. But, i love my teachers so much!! Yes! They are sooo kind and lovely. Alhamdulillah.

And i will share you about my stpm life. For 00's batch, you will need it. STPM is ohsem i swear! Hehehehe.

Okay bye guys! See ya!

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