Tak silap semalam [minggu lepas sebab aku save entry ni berzaman baru update hehe><] aku tengok ramai duk update entry ni, aku pun syak ini semua mainan tag ni. hahah! So, dalam hati berharap someone akan tag aku laaa.
And yes, alhamdulillah harini makbul doa aku. Haha thanks to Maisarah!
The Rules.
Create a new post + insert the theme picture above.
List 25 things that make you happy most of the time (it can be any language that you want)
Mention the blog that have tagged you (of course it can be more than a blog)
Tag at least other 5 bloggers & make sure they know they've been tagged!
You might also share your favourite quote of the week! (if none, then it's okay)
Here i go. My 25 happiness! :)
- My family! :)
- My bestfriend forever ; Nur Fatin Fatihah --loveyou^^
- My beloved friendsssss :)Ada lagi ramai. tapi takde gambar yang semua orang ada.
My crush :p HAHA!NO MORE CRUSH. NO MORE BOYFRIEND.- My kids! Ahah! Not my children okay? Hahaha budak'budak mengaji a.k.a anak murid aku auch hahaha terasa tua.
- My cats ahah! Especially Oly {de black one} yang putih hitam tu Omy :) Gambar bawah ni gambar lama, lebih kurang sebulan la. Sekarang dah besar. Nak dekat setahun jugak la. Lagi comel! Haha. Tapi Oly dah hilang :( So, anak dia, Bulat pulak HAHA!
i told my cat that i miss you badly :')
this is my bulat :)
- De beach! Hahaha my fav place :)
- Ice cream! Seriously, time aku sedih, stress or broken, memang aku akan cari ice cream. It makes me feel more better.
- Result STPM every penggal 4rata. Ameen :')
- Travel alone {my wishlist}
I want to go Makkah first, then travel to a whole world! Haha inshaaAllah.
- Bergurau dengan kawan'kawan. Camni-- kumpul 1tempat, buat bulatan, then talk about everything. Or, make boomerang! hahaha yeah. Masa first boomerang ni ada, aku dah download, then haritu aku bawak phone ke sekolah, habis full gallery aku dengan video boomerang kawan'kawan buat. Haha okay rindu weh. (tahun lepas)okay aku dah taktahu nak tulis apa. banyak sangattt 25 ni. hahahaha fikir jap.
1jam berlalu...........
Beberapa hari berlalu...
Okay sambung! - FOOD omg food is the effective skill to make me falling in love with someone HAHA!
"There is nothing more important in the world than eating."
- Chocolates!
- New phone. iPhone7+!!!!!!! i want it! Urgh.
- I got my car licence ohyeah!
- Cycling with my friend :)
- Jogging every morning! :)
- On the phone with my bestfriend, sharing every single thing!
- Have every single colour of wide shawl. And im trying to collect it :)
- Enjoy my day with le friends :)
21. Twitter! Yeah twitter makes me happy. Banyak kot benda lawak dekat twitter. Berdekah jugak aku gelak kadang kadang. HAHA. Nah id : krmhzul :P
22. A lotttt of shawl, bawal, blouse, jeans! Hmmm in every color. Yang ni semua girls nak. Right?
23. Terror in English. Muet at least band4!
24. Hadiah! Aku paling happy bila dapat hadiah. Tapi hmm dah lama tak dapat hadiah.
25. My life. Yes, im happy with my life, alhamdulillah :)
--------------------------------------------------Okay done!Entry ni tahun lepas ke awal tahun ni aku buat.Tapi baru nak publish.Sebab terlalu sibuk. HAHA.So, disebabkan aku ni ketinggalan zaman baru publish, aku tak tag siapa siapa.Adios!